Hacene Mohamed Zerrouk
Hacene Mohamed Zerrouk
From the Logcat i get this : E/SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting period=6999000 preferred_charging_state=1 preferred_network_type=1 target_class=com.google.android.gms.measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService required_network_type=0 runtime=1590862224687 required_idleness_state=0 source=16 service_kind=0 target_package=com.google.android.gms source_version=201516000 last_runtime=0 user_id=0 job_id=-1 requires_charging=0 tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG flex_time=3499000 task_type=0 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":{"3600":0},"initial_backoff_seconds":{"30":0},"retry_policy":{"0":0}} android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException:...
did he suport doc file ?
so i have files with arabic filename when i upload them gives me a wrong string i already read all the issues and i'am not the first with that and...
just a q
awsome work thanks bro , but how i can display pdf file for example in sreen ?