I downloaded the DTU pre-trained models and put them into the respective folders, the pre-trained models for train0044, train0045 and train0046 don't exist in the given [link](https://indianinstituteofscience-my.sharepoint.com/personal/nagabhushans_iisc_ac_in/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fnagabhushans%5Fiisc%5Fac%5Fin%2FDocuments%2FPublished%2FResearch%2F13%5FVSTURW%2Fruns&ga=1) for pre-trained models...
I have downloaded the pre-trained models for NeRF-LLFF and put them into the respective folders which is `train0011/scene_name/saved_models` , when I ran `NerfLlffTrainerTester01.py` after commenting out the train calls in...
The code was using 2 GPUs for testing, when I ran the code as is, I got this error: ``` (ViP_NeRF_GPU) [kapilc@eceaiws src]$ python NerfLlffTrainerTester01.py Program started at 01/09/2023 12:14:41...
I have cloned diffusionerf and tried to execute `conda env create -f environment.yml` Commented out the line `- git+https://github.com/NVlabs/tiny-cuda-nn/#subdirectory=bindings/torch` from environment.yml file, and tried creating the environment, it worked. Tried...
I tried implementing ZipNeRF for DTU dataset (using the already existing DTU dataloader in this repo). I have found the results to be very poor compared to 360v2 and NeRF-Synthethic....