Harsh Kapadia
Harsh Kapadia
- Admin will decide the college names, division names, etc... - Populate the drop down choices as decided by the admin.
- Refer to issues #17 for pdf criteria #6 getting students as per attendance percentage.
- Entire attendance list - Dynamic defaulter attendance list --- - Columns in PDF - Roll No - Name - No. of lectures attended - Percentage - Other details to...
- On the student's dashboard, display alerts for different subjects with msgs/colours for different percentages (below 75%, 50%, etc)
- [ ] [Build your own Git](https://app.codecrafters.io/courses/git) - [ ] [Git from the inside out](https://maryrosecook.com/blog/post/git-from-the-inside-out) - [x] [Unpacking Git packfiles](https://codewords.recurse.com/issues/three/unpacking-git-packfiles) - [ ] [git - 1337 edition - I](https://karngyan.com/blog/git-1337-edition-1) and...
- [ ] [Plumbing and porcelian commands](https://stackoverflow.com/a/39848551/11958552) - [ ] To show commit SHA1 of HEAD `git rev-parse HEAD` - [ ] `git gc --aggressive` commands. - [ ] Git...
- - [ ] Add basic merge conflict handling in the [Merge Conflicts section](https://harshkapadia2.github.io/git_basics/#_merge_conflicts). - During a merge conflict, `git status -s` gives output `UU` (both in red) for files...
- Section: [Contributor Friendly Repository](https://harshkapadia2.github.io/git_basics/#_contributor_friendly_repository) - Learn about Changelogs and add that information **in your own words** in `changelog.adoc` in the https://github.com/HarshKapadia2/git_basics/tree/main/src/content/contributor_friendly_repo directory. - Make sure to add a reference...
- Add `Branches` section to the `General # 2` section, after the `Internal Working of Git` sub-section. - Use Gaurav Sen's Git video and [this](https://gist.github.com/HarshKapadia2/8405b5c2091ba186fc13fb89aa9505ef) git for some commands