
Results 66 comments of HaRold

Cool, I will make this a priority. Have you considered fungibility between multiple stable coins? e.g. Deposit DAI withdraw USDC or TUSD of equivalent value?

> Also, can you explain how join/split can allow for a payment correlation to be noticed? I think this may have been a mental note to think about this again,...

https://github.com/snjax/zDai-mixer allows arbitrary sized coins

Hi Sorry for super long delay I noticed a lot of these changes are about spacing and tabs etc. What files have you made fixes to that aren't just syntactical...

Can you provide a stack dump and registers please?

http://www.cypherpunks.ca/~iang/pubs/PolyCommit-AsiaCrypt.pdf also covers accumulators and commitments to them, in a more general form, using quadratic divisibility as proof of inclusion/exclusion (which is very similar to RSA accumulators) It too, requires...

The message is whatever you want it to be, in many cases you will want the message to be the list of public keys *and* some other arbitrary string uniquely...

I understand. The tag is specific to the message, if the same message is signed multiple times by the same key it will derive the same tag. However, restricting the...

You could use dlopen in combination with memfd and /process/self/fd/... Use pwnlib to generate the elf file. It should be easy to implement the dlopen functionality in netelf, but I...

You can find these coefficients with Sage, using: ```python R. = PolynomialRing(Fp) # Starting at -1 is an arbitrary choice, could start at 1, where 2 will be the first...