Harry McCarney
Harry McCarney
Hi Chris, I have added Dijkstra shortest path calculation and some centrality measures to a fork of FGL [here](https://github.com/HarryMcCarney/FSharp.FGL/blob/developer/src/FSharp.ArrayAdjacencyGraph/Measures.fs). I have also added [tests](https://github.com/HarryMcCarney/FSharp.FGL/blob/developer/tests/FSharp.FGL.Tests/ArrayAdjacencyGraph.fs#L1001) and some inline documentation. Keen to...
Hi Christopher, Great, I am glad you are happy with it! I have tidied up the inline comments and submitted the pull request. To clarify the issue regarding undirected graphs...
OK for me at least the core principles would be clearer and easier to Grok with a short self contained example. Currently Login also requires DemoInformation which in turn needs...