Harry Bairstow

Results 34 comments of Harry Bairstow

Closed because it was superseded and this has been stagnant for over 1 year

👋🏼 The project has new maintainers now. I'm getting up-to speed with everything and trying to tidy up the PRs and Issues; are the changes here still relevant?

Hey @jrconlin, thanks! Can you move the PR to point into v0.7 instead of master? and I'll get these reviewed asap.

@jrconlin looks like I can switch it don't worry. But if it would be easier long term I can close this and work on a new PR with you?

> Yeah, I think it would. > > > > Mark did this original work while he was an intern. He's now off to better things. The other repo has...

Hi! I can have a look into this if it hasn't already been done?

Okay, I'll try do it then. Looks likes there is loads of args to add for swift/swiftc :)

> Yeah, do you have an idea of where I can a list of all commands and arguments for it? I've just done `swiftc --help`

If you wanted to have a go instead I don't mind?

> Thanks Harry! No problems 😄