Harm Zeinstra

Results 21 comments of Harm Zeinstra

You should just use the `` instead of `` and you will get your json

If I may reference: https://github.com/vuejs/vuex/issues/757#issuecomment-297668640 Save your classes/methods in code and hydrate them with the data from the store. Serializable is the key word here

You could use something like `getState` and then transforming it yourself: ``` getState(storage) { if (storage.foo?.user) { storage.foo.account = Object.assign({}, storage.foo.user) delete storage.foo.user } return storage } ``` (not tested)

Make more `createPersistedState` objects? The `key` is purely for you localstorage index, so if you want more of that, you shouldmake more objects. If you want more paths, in my...

May I say: U are using a mutation to do three updates, consider using an [action](https://vuex.vuejs.org/guide/actions.html#actions) Next of, u are setting a default state, that state will always be used...

Same as @NekitCorp : ``` Command: node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build --update-binary Arguments: Directory: ../node_modules/canvas Output: node-pre-gyp info it worked if it ends with ok node-pre-gyp info using [email protected] node-pre-gyp info using...

So I did some research: node-canvas currently does not support arm You need to make a build yourself The docs on that are pretty straight forward when found: https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas/wiki#installation-guides ```...

> @jakeparis Perhaps you're already aware of this (and it doesn't meet all your requirements) but you can also create separate 'machine user' accounts and then add them as collaborators...

> beforeSend > I have written the following Nuxt 3 plugin which seems to be working fairly well for me. Note that Sentry's SDK doesn't seem to play well with...

Yes you can use Vuetify, but not with `@nuxtjs/vuetify`! You can follow the beta guide of Vuetify (It is Vue3 specific): https://next.vuetifyjs.com/en/getting-started/installation/ My setup with Vuetify in Nuxt: package: ```json...