Yes, the arrows README could maybe make this a bit clearer in the comparison paragraph.
I must admit that I never thought about this. I struggle a bit with coming up with use cases in the cases where the expansion has let bindings and/or conditionals,...
`maybe` for the Datomic example is defined here: Datascript has a different model of where the schema is kept, but this should be translatable.
I'm not sure, but shouldn't the `near` definition use a predicate? [(near ?i1 ?i2) [(= (inc ?i1) ?i2)]] [(near ?i1 ?i2) [(= (dec ?i1) ?i2)]]
Since cl-arrows seems abandoned, it is superseded by, available as "arrows" from quicklisp. That one also has licensing information.
Ah, but if you always fetch only a single predetermined object, then it can be luck that one data structure happens to have it at a more shallow place than...
I'd like to know how to interpret the emoji in the top right. For example, what do you see lacking in documentation and tests?
I wanted to know the particular issues you had. Documentation has 🤨. Why?
Tests has 🥺. Why?