What the console log looked like ? I never had this issue so it'd help to know how it happened exactly. Generally it's the LeaveGameInstance() function that doesn't work due...
Do you know how long it was stopped ? If it was more or less than 5 minutes. The case is supposedly already taken into account in the code. The...
Thanks. If the case happens again, try to let it for at least 5 minutes. You should see something like `Detected the game script is locked. Trying to unlock it.`...
There were several #61 errors in the last hours 1 or 2 after each boss, but without doing anything it works perfectly at least on my side. `checkUnlockGameState()` is triggered...
Hum, maybe by removing `current_game_is_boss = false;` in the end_game function of INJECT_report_boss_damage() would solve the issue. I assume checkUnlockGameState() was called between the switch. It'd need some others edits...
My bad. Related to my previous message, i think the easiest solution to solve the current issue would be to keep `current_game_is_boss = false;` in end_game and to add a...
I think it only calls SwitchNextZone() cf. the callback for INJECT_switch_planet ? So the best way to avoid the automatic CheckSwitchBetterPlanet() being done at each INJECT_start_round() would be to set...
Technically, the script is still running. There's several error handling now. Enough to not be worried anymore imo. I don't think i'll do anything else than fixes or functional improvements...
Hi there. Just a little comment on it. I'm using the option "distinct tab" for the non-live streams. While it worked when i set the option, at (browser) launch it...