> I tried your method and it does work. Thanks My user-agent doesn't work but it works with `Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N)`
> How to fix it😠1. Open the app 2. Tap the 3 lines on top left of your screen and tap on setting 3. Scroll until you find User-agent...
> > Changing my User-Agent string in the app's settings to be the same as the User-Agent of my phone's normal browser fixed this. You can find you browser's User-Agent...
> > > > Changing my User-Agent string in the app's settings to be the same as the User-Agent of my phone's normal browser fixed this. You can find you...
Please send detail of your problem
Can still open them on website though
> Its very very bad if you don't fix it son I ykinh I will Uninstalle What's the problem?
You meant [this](https://github.com/Dar9586/NClientV2/issues/613) ?
You meant [this](https://github.com/Dar9586/NClientV2/issues/613) ?
If you can browse, it might mean you have not enough storage