
Results 43 comments of Happyfeet01

when i try to add an User i got this ``` docker exec matrix-ntfy ntfy user list option auth-file not set; auth is unconfigured for this server ``` i think...

Nice, really nice :-) I Would Test it in my Testserver

Hi, I use the dev image.

Sorry for the late response, this weekend i have the time to try the setup again. But get the same message when i check it over domain:3000/api `Status: Image is...

Yes thats is the same experience. You can't also use other android apps to login to your nextcloud social account.

i have this issue too. Here the Log result from FTS `root@dasnetzundich /var/log/elasticsearch # sudo -uwww-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ fulltextsearch:search lars ratingen search In Connection.php line 632: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"x_content_parse_exception","reason":"[1:63] [bool] failed to...

There is an hotfix, when you have installed elasticsearch 7.7.0 and later https://github.com/nextcloud/fulltextsearch_elasticsearch/pull/107

What happens when you start the Fulltextsearch Scan?

If it works, make a review please. Without this review the update can’t release. Thanks

maybe the same error https://github.com/nextcloud/fulltextsearch/issues/580