
Results 2 issues of HappyZ

Results obtained from `curl https://www.sony.net/Products/DigitalPaperSystem/Software/DP/info.xml`. As of the day this is created, DPT-RP1 and DPT-CP1 have unified version number URI="https://www.sony.net/Products/DigitalPaperSystem/Software/DP/FwUpdater.pkg" If you just want to update, it is safe...

Official PKG

### Describe the bug Try: https://catfact.ninja/fact. It will parse it as [https://catfact.ninja/fact.](https://catfact.ninja/fact.) Instead of [https://catfact.ninja/fact](https://catfact.ninja/fact) with a period in the end. ### Steps to reproduce See above. ### Screenshots or...
