Ubuntu 16.04 cuda8.0 cudnn5.1测试ssd mobilenet,GPU模式,DLOG统计出的内存占用24.59M,GPU占用显存41.14M,系统监视器显示占用内存439.5M,nvidia-smi显示占用显存291M,为什么差这么多?
I used 512 ssd training, iterating about 20,000 times, the loss dropped to 1.4, the map is about 0.9, but then the loss starts to oscillate between 1-2.5, and the...
I changed detectron pkl model to caffe2 pb model, errors happened when called CAFFE_ENFORCE(workspace.CreateNet(model.predict.net)); in imagenet.cc terminate called after throwing an instance of 'caffe2::EnforceNotMet' what(): [enforce fail at operator.cc:185] op....
After get keypoints , do face alignment before recog ,how to? thanks
I want to detect object like license plate by using parallelogram, how to detect the four keypoints?