
Results 10 issues of Sadam·Sadik

There are 1 targets Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/shadikesadamu/Projects/CVE/CVE-2017-7921/CVE-2017-7921-EXP/", line 150, in fire.Fire(CVE_2017_7921_EXP) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/fire/", line 138, in Fire component_trace = _Fire(component, args, parsed_flag_args, context, name) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/fire/",...

由于ChatGLM3模型采用了全新设计的 [Prompt 格式](,除正常的多轮对话外。同时原生支持[工具调用]( Call)、代码执行(Code Interpreter)和 Agent 任务等复杂场景。原来的ChatGLM模型的运行脚本不适用.


How can i get the hid-keyboard file ? When i using my nethunter phone and try to execute the commond like the below on nethunter terminal , ` echo 1234567...

When I use the script on the backgroud of CentOS7 via nohup, but it has occurred some errors like below: `nohup python3 -i targets.txt -o 218 -t 1248 &`...

The Stun( is not very friendly( not easy to reach) to the China mainland users. Is there any better solution?

Point1: OS: Windows10 ![截屏2024-01-29 16 19 44]( ![截屏2024-01-29 16 21 40]( Point2: OS: Windows2016 Server ![截屏2024-01-29 16 20 49]( ![截屏2024-01-29 16 21 40](

At the same time, the function of controlling whether the Fork warehouse is included in the statistical calculation through the isFork parameter is initially implemented. ### Aggregation by a language...


### What happened? An errror happend when i install the dependencies. ### Node Version v16.20.2 ### NPM Version [email protected] ### Server OS Version Darwin fucking-machine.local 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0:...


* 更新&重新实现了统计页的渲染. * 重新用最新版Layui.js中的table组件是实现了数据统计页面的统计结果表格的渲染. * 实现了表格数据的实时异步更新. * 增加了流入消息数量和流出消息数量等统计纬度. * 客户端管理页面增加了映射端口数量统计结果列. * 完善了一下文档, 增加了如何在IDEA上进行运行和调试的开发步骤教程