Hans Ren
Hans Ren
> Both side are US keyboard? yep, both are US keyboard. when I type {} and | on the remote PC, it displays ™± and ¿
> BTW, how do you type {? shift + [? shift + [ -> { shift + ] -> } shift + \ -> |
> [ Each time I click buttons [ ] and \\ , there is a significant delay before showing out.
> Could you please provide me with a '.deb' package? Thanks. @rustdesk
> https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk/releases/download/tmp/rustdesk-1.1.9.deb The problem still exists.
> sadly,i can not reproduce your problem. Could it be the problem with the keyboard? I am using [Alienware Low Profile RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard | AW510K](https://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/alienware-low-profile-rgb-mechanical-gaming-keyboard-aw510k-us-int-qwerty/apd/545-bbch/pc-accessories)
> > Alienware Low Profile RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard | AW510K > > QWERTY is standard keyboard. Maybe hang this problem on, seeing if someone else faces it.
> @HandsomeHans can you also try out the new deb? Yeah, the problem is solved on my PC as well. Thanks!
> @bigbruno can you try out the new one https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk/releases/download/tmp/rustdesk-1.1.9.deb? please uninstall old 1.1.9 first. em.. a new problem occurs. I cannot type in my password when remotely login my...
> @HandsomeHans try out this new one https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk/releases/download/tmp/rustdesk-1.1.9.deb please. The problem is fixed. Thanks!