I want to break down the project into multiple modules. Is there a way to separately introduce the error module in the multi module cargo project,Each module can easily handle...
### 建议增加的新功能: 动态将token和和缓存数据存取到不同的redis实例 ### 应用场景阐述: 多租户场景不同租户需要不同的redis实例,这时候用户存取位置无法切换 或许可以考虑开放一个获取redis连接的接口?
我想知道在rbatis连接池中是否有其他配置,例如: 1.最小连接数 2.连接超时时间单位秒 3.单个连接最大生命周期 单位秒 4.单个连接的最大空闲持续时间 单位秒
请问我有一个结构体他的名称和表名不一致,我改如何去指定表名,例如: struct:pub struct LaSystemLogLoginInsert; tableName:la_system_log_login;
I am a beginner in C++,I have implemented the Bluetooth client function, but I often crash when connecting to the Bluetooth server and need assistance with code review. Client Part...
### 这个功能解决了什么问题 时间国际化需要偏移量格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX ### 你建议的方案是什么 添加更多时间格式
# Prerequisites Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue. **YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.** - [x] I am running the latest version - [x] I...
Regarding the consultation on battery level, if I have a Bluetooth in the background and send messages every minute, how long can I use the battery level
When I verify based on this document[ https://jzow.github.io/discovery/microbit/03-setup/verify.html#%E9%AA%8C%E8%AF%81cargo -Embedded], enter ``` $rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf $ cargo embed --target thumbv7em-none-eabihf ``` out: ``` [hans@MiWiFi-RA72-srv led_roulette]$ cargo embed --target thumbv7em-none-eabihf Finished...