Hello! I follow the instructions in "https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-Tutorials/tree/2021.2/Vitis_Platform_Creation/Introduction/02-Edge-AI-ZCU104" and change some board information to ZCU106 in step1 and step2. In the end, this problem happens, how can I fix this problem...
Hello friends, I am a newcomer to Vitis-Ai. I have one ZCU106 board. How Can I create a platform for newest Vitis Ai? Thank you!
Hello, I follow the tutorials (https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-Tutorials/tree/2021.2/Vitis_Platform_Creation/Introduction/02-Edge-AI-ZCU104) and change board information from ZCU104 to ZCU106 in step1 and step2 and step3. However, when I test the platform in step4(test vadd), I...
Hello! I find XRT has xclbinutil in https://xilinx.github.io/XRT/master/html/xclbintools.html. I follow the instructions in https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-Tutorials/blob/2021.2/Vitis_Platform_Creation/Introduction/02-Edge-AI-ZCU104/step2.md and install the xrt in petalinux. How can I use xclbinutil in zcu104?