
Results 4 issues of HanjoStudy

I would like to request an additional parameter for the `ggmap::geocode` function where country specific api calls can be made to reduce false information being returned when using googles api....

feature request

Is it possible to add text to the edges in geom_net using the very intuitive `geom_net` api? I do not see anything in the documentation that talks to this ```...

Hi, would it be possible to implement a custom aggregation method in the `ctr_agg` function? At the moment my data is quarterly (GDP and PCE). ```r [1] "2000-02-01" "2000-05-01" "2000-08-01"...

## Needing help with I have recently come across the [orindalForest](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ordinalForest/ordinalForest.pdf) package. This package focuses on an implementation of the well known [ranger](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ranger/ranger.pdf) `Random Forest` model. With this in mind,...
