When i use validate_defects4j.py to valid d4j reranked patches, it occured FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/lqy/MyProject/NPR_tools4data_leakage/new_test/nprtools/cure/candidate_patches/trans_D4J/tmpsource/org/jfree/chart/renderer/category/AbstractCategoryItemRenderer.java' error. Am I miss something? I try to clone the...
The error is a mistake which I make a wrong dir with "/home/lqy/MyProject/NPR_tools4data_leakage/new_test/nprtools/cure/candidate_patches/trans_D4J/tmp" missing a '/' at the end of the dir. But the model was unable to generated any...
@nashid Hello! Could you train with gpt_conut_trainer.py and gpt_fconv_trainer.py now? When I train using these two scripts, after the second round of reads, the loss value changes to nan. i...
请问您解决了这个问题吗?我在使用CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 testDefect4j1.py Chart-1时同样出现了以上报错,在更换到空闲的1卡之后仍然不起作用,怀疑不是cuda oom导致的。