
Results 3 issues of HammerWang98

Hello , Tim. Have u experimented that replacing the sigmoid with softmax in the logits layer? I tried to run your code, but I found that I got a lower...

您好,运行完第一个epoch之后,第二个epoch就报错,没有tgt sentence,是生成的语料没有对齐吗。如何解决

~/hammer/SANS$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=9 python -u codes/run.py --cuda --do_train --do_valid --data_path data/wn18rr/ --model TransE -n 256 -b 1024 -d 1000 -g 24.0 -a 1.0 -lr 0.0001 --max_steps 150000 -save models/TransE_wn18rr_0 --test_batch_size 16...