Open STM32F3 example in the CubeMX IDE, you can see the dependencies in the project tree. It is dependent on CANOpenNode folder only. The other "Driver", "libs", "Include", "Source" in...
Hi @libangy, can you explain a bit more what you are trying to do ? In CANOpen at any point in time, one node is master, so it depends on...
This is not related specifically to STM32 variant of the CANOpenNode and I haven't test it yet. I believe it is already implemented in the CANOpenNode, Have a look at...
@jafem You are right. Although that won't interfere with the actual stack, because we didn't use that argument in that function, but still your point is valid and needs to...
@MaJerle Can you mark it as `Pending fix` or something similar so I don't forget it.
We can close this.