Hello. I'm sorry for this, but I can't find the patched files in the branch. Can you please tell me if you already fixed: -Continue menu/save menu (to play the...
Could you please disassembly the technique machines usage, that would be useful to find the point where the consumption after the use is practiced?
Hi, I can ask you if you know how edit the ASM? I tried to open the uncompressed HG/SS files but I can't use tools like Crystal tile to see...
Excuse me if is boring but I already tried to ask in plugin's developer's pages, they told me to ask straightly to you. Cruis'n Exotica still suffers of bad textures...
Hi. It's a great idea, but not customizable like the PC version with custom events. I translated the Old Sea map and the Mystic ticket in my language (italian) making...
**Describe the bug** Doesn't load direct VC R/B/Y/G/S/C channels saves and to insert the backupped with Checkpoint needs to save and re-enter and only changing the languages then saves the...
### Website URL wetransfer.com ### What browser are u using? Not A;Brand 99 ### Version 1.1.4 ### Notes In wetransfer the hateful cookies wall blocked me and on X (formerly...