cg_fovMin controls the minimum field of view, which is most obviously used when aiming down sight. I like to have cg_fovMin equal to cg_fov, so when I aim down sight...
For example, the filename "Marc Eckō's Getting Up Contents Under Pressure [SLUS-21032] [1.01].iso.gz" is saved as "Marc Ecko's Getting Up Contents Under Pressure [SLUS-21032] [1.01].iso.gz" in the game's spectabis.ini, resulting...
I run the launcher with `--workDir "D:\Users\Lewis\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft"`. I also set the game directory (in the launcher's profile) to `D:\Users\Lewis\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\directories\ThroughTime`. Despite this, the game still uses the directory in `%APPDATA%\.minecraft`. This...