Just removed a line. Edit: Said question 48 but it is question 47. Fixed where I could.
Replaced with `sys.maxsize`. Also, used a context manager to not mess up the rest of the notebook when people copy the solution.
Typos: - `Multi-dimsional Array assignment` - `matrixes` - `diaganols` - `Multi-dimsional Assignment` - `multideminsional` - `multidemisional` (not sure if it is a running joke at this point) - `Indexies` -...
I am scared of using git with notebooks, so I'm just going to post them here. Typos: - `the concent of using IPython Notebeoks` - `When you see a MethodError,...
I changed the seed to 42 as indicated in the source file, but still fail the test. I'm guessing Julia has changed its randomness mechanism between 1.2 (the one you...
I wasn't able to run the koans using the Google Colab link. `Environnement d'exécution "julia-1.2" non reconnu ; "python3" attribué par défaut` Translated: `Execution environment "julia-1.2" not recognized ; "python3"...
There is a code block that shouldn't be here. I'm guessing the `'` after n(n+1) should be a `` ` ``.