Bin Peng
Bin Peng
> pip install open3d-python Not working...
Here is my full solution for your reference a)PROB: RuntimeError: Python version >= 3.7 required:numpy version too high pip install open3d-python numpy==1.16.6 b)PBOB: Command "python egg_info" failed with error...
注释掉CMakeLists.txt ``` # elseif(N GREATER 3) # math(EXPR PROC_NUM "${N} - 2") # sth wrong here # add_definitions(-DMP_EN) # add_definitions(-DMP_PROC_NUM="${PROC_NUM}") # message("core for MP: ${PROC_NUM}") ```
> 3081 is definitely too big for a BA problem. We always use two approaches to solve this problem. First, you can down-sample the input frames from 10Hz to 2Hz,...
> (For fast reproduction, I fixed the noise model parameter of BA constraint in factor map to 1e-6, and the noise model parameter of initial poses was set to 1e-2...
> Hi Author! Thank you very much for your reply, I have reproduced the article and tested it a lot, and it works very well in large-scale scenes. However,...
@jkff00 Hi, thanks for your reply! Recently I tried to implement the large-scale BA, but I couldn't figure out how to get the covariance matrix for the constraints between pose...
Sure. Let's talk in wechat