
Results 9 comments of HairyFotr `info` and `echo` aren't turned into errors. Maybe adding a `wartremoverInfos` section that emmits warts as info messages would be a solution.

For me `foo.exists(bar.contains)` gives a false positive (because Any is inferred by the compiler instead of String - am investigating why), but the other two work as expected.

To turn all warnings into errors, use scalac option `-Xfatal-warnings`. This is an issue for per-check configurability.

sbt only recompiles the files that have changed since the last compile, and Linter is a compiler plugin so it only sees what the compiler sees, and doesn't have any...

I have a few ideas what might improve the situation with very complex types: One is that almost all types are put into a map in the first phase to...

Two more tests are failing, and I've some idea about the abs interpreter, but would appreciate samples if anyone else notices any difference between 2.11 and 2.12.

Currently you cannot, but you can ignore specific lines with //linter:disable[:OptionalCheckNames...] What kind of syntax would you recommend?

Yeah, that sounds good, I'll try to implement something over the weekend. I'll likely also replace "disable" in favour of "ignore" to make it even more similar to scalastyle, and...

This could help: It also covers what's the status if [there's no licence]( I'm not an expert on licences either, but would like to use a modified version for...