Jaesung Ryu
Jaesung Ryu
Hi, I fixed some param details typo. thank you:)
I downloaded Task 2 dataset and unzipped it, then i got the annotation files and the format like below: ``` 1,0,593,43,174,190,0,0,0,0 2,0,592,43,174,189,0,0,0,0 3,0,592,43,174,189,0,0,0,0 4,0,592,43,174,189,0,0,0,0 5,0,592,43,174,189,0,0,0,0 ... ``` I found below...
# Summary changed docker image name in code. # Tests I tried `docker tag mageai/mageai:latest [region]-docker.pkg.dev/[project-id]/mage-do cker/mageai:latest` , it works. cc:
Hi, I want convert redis backup (.rdb) file to json file. I read the read.md file but I found just convert file but didn't save it. How can I save...