
Results 14 issues of HackP0!nt

​​ ![image-20220802153818-1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6758579/183897903-0e1d5cd1-6375-4e73-aeaf-d2e116de0c3a.png)

The package doesn't work out of the box with yarn and seems like it's failing on build. Would be appreciated: 1. Adding jest as testing env 2. Storybook 3. Cypress...

First off all it's a great project! I'm using it and want to say many thanks. I would like you to take under consideration: 1. ngular 7,0 improvements and changing...

I'm using angular5 and ngx-datatable 11.3.2 How it would be possible to integrate your library within this table to allow to drag columns (headers) with nice animations like in ngx-smooth-dnd?

Like it shows in the image. If there's no explicit answer at least point me on how to extend and implement this functionality. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6758579/184642991-e93628ae-24ce-4c1d-aefa-479fd56a2dc3.png)

I've opened a question on SO: [My Question regarding this issue](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53930855/ngx-datatable-integrate-with-dragula-on-columns-instead-of-the-native-ngx-dnd) I'm using angular5 and it's impossible to update it for this moment. Can ng2-dragula be integrated into the ngx-datatable?

Parse.BaseUrl = 'http://someurl' And it's get's a default `BaseUrl: "https://api.parse.com/1",` without ability to override it. How can it be fixed?

I need to implement this in .NET: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asynkron/protoactor-go/dev/cluster/clusterproviders/etcd/etcd_provider.go Do you have a concrete example of this? in C# Would really ease up my task, I'm new to all of the...

I'm new to whole providers for DB can you please point me to java or csharp implementation of IClusterProvider or might you have this implementation in your project. Seems like...