Abdulrahman S. Omar

Results 9 issues of Abdulrahman S. Omar

Imagine we have the following relationship in a sample atomspace: ``` (Inheritance (Concept "A") (Concept "B") ) (Inheritance (Concept "B") (Concept "C") ) (Inheritance (Concept "B") (Concept "F") ) (Inheritance...

Let's we have a file containing the following simple ghost topic: ``` topic: ~introductions keep[] u: ([hello hi hey] {there}) ^intro() ``` After opening a guile shell and importing the...


I am trying to run MOSES with the `--boost` option set to true(1) to enable boosting. However, MOSES keeps failing by throwing the following exception: > terminate called after throwing...

I am trying to get random recommendations for users with no relations with other users. The code that does this random recommendation is as follows: ``` public class RandomUser extends...

The recent work by **Zhang et. al** (@ruqizhang) titled [A Langevin-like Sampler for Discrete Distributions](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.09914.pdf) proposes using a Langevin based algorithm for sampling from discrete distributions whose log probability is...


In the **03_LM.sh** script found in kaldi-scripts folder there is a line that uses srilm. Here is the line: __/home/melese/toolkit/srilm/bin/i686-m64/ngram-count -order 5 -text lm/amharic.lm.data.segmented -lm lm/amharic.train.lm.data.arpa -unk -kndiscount1 -kndiscount2 -kndiscount3...

Hi, I get the following error when running the script to bypass root ``` Error: access violation accessing 0x7e4934997f at (frida/runtime/core.js:147) at (C:\Users\Habush\Downloads\frida_antiroot.js:253)access : /system/bin/qemu-props Error: access violation accessing 0x7e4934997f...

I have this small code that I am testing to annotate a sample vcf file using 1000 Genome Db. ``` try(VCFFileReader vcfReader = new VCFFileReader(FileUtils.getFile(properties.getProperty("basePath"), "example.vcf"), false)) { logger.info("Starting annotation...");...

Hi, Thanks for sharing the source code for Plato work, including the dataset. In the paper, the method is compared against other baseline models. I can find the implementation of...