Matheus Rangel
Matheus Rangel
I do want to add a expedition damage meter, however, there are a LOT of limitations that are out of my control, it wouldn't show party members damage because it...
> It still prompts that the game version (421471) has not mapped. That means your HunterPie isn't being able to update itself, you can try manually downloading the address map...
Thanks for the suggestions! I will definitely consider them but I have some questions: > Option to display Steam ID in addition of in-game name How would that "multiplayer widget"...
Hmm, only problem with that is that there's not space for the Steam Ids (not sure if you're talking about the steam Int64 id or the steam user name).
I'm fine with all those suggestions. ## Search Bar > collapsible, on bar with "Open plugins folder" and "Refresh" buttons. It can either cover then or push them to right....
> It would be also helpful if there was a way to downgrade to specific plugin version. I don't see any reason why someone would want to downgrade a plugin...
HunterPie.Native is responsible to allow HunterPie to communicate with the game so it can call in-game functions and hook functions so it can track stuff what memory polling cannot. Before...
Hmm, I'll give that a look
Hey, thanks for the suggestions, I will definitely take them into consideration. Answering some of them: #### I'd like if I could disable background transparency. Depending on your desktop, it...
Oh, that's because the other buildups have their own timer in memory but the claw flinch doesn't, I can see what I can do though.