Can't select item by keyboard Enter If replace Button via native `button` html tag, and set `filterable={false}`. #### Environment - __Package version(s)__: - __Operating System__: - __Browser name and version__:...
`yiiActiveForm` is not so fast sometimes, you have run `yiiDynamicForm` only then `yiiActiveForm` is completed
if asDropDownList=true then widget generate a INPUT
this code does not work ``` function imageURL(hash) { const squash = hash.split('-').join(''); return `url(${squash.substring(0, 4)}/${squash.substring(4, 8)}/${squash.substring(8)})`; } ``` because ``` A reference to an image embedded in the file....
Inside List components (Row) have empty hotkeys. On Scrolling list - rendering Row causes App with use useHotkey to re-render. #### Environment - __Package version(s)__: @blueprintjs/core v4.0.0-rc.0, react-virtualized v9.22.3 -...
Markdown ``` description: |9563|Some|Some text| | --- | --- | --- | ``` renders to html with extra row and td ``` 9563 Some Some text ``` Is it posible...
We used Snyk and the master branch of php-imap. Because in composer we have `"dev-master": "1.0-dev"`, Snyk shows a Critical severity vulnerability. How can we fix it?
Something wrong if the last element has another type Using `orderBy(data, ["value"], ["asc"])` ``` const data = [ { id: 1, value: "apple" }, { id: 2, value: "banana" },...
#### Environment @blueprintjs/core: 5.10.5 #### Feature request We need to enhance the EditableText component from BlueprintJS to allow the addition of custom HTML attributes to its underlying textarea element. This...
When using custom components for Select's `itemRenderer` or `itemListRenderer` that don't use the `.bp5-menu-item`, `shouldDismiss` is always `true`. We use custom components without the `.bp5-menu-item` for customization and don't want...