Chrome browser in Mac OS 13.5.1 I'm using a single Pico board that's working as expected with USB mouse connected (axis, all buttons, wheel), however, when i connect an 8BitDo...
Testing with macOS 14.1 (latest RC), webUI running in current version of Chrome. **Testing hardware** Remapper on BT nrf52840 board Remapper on Single Pico board XBOX One Controller **Release r2023-10-18**...
3.2.1 Kickstart installed If installing hstWB with 3.2 or 3.2.1 an error will come up about a missing icon library when booting workbench. The solution is to insert the 3.2/3.2.1...
If you have Amiga Forever installed on your system, setting up a pre-build (8gb example) with 3.2 or 3.2.1 will fail and abort in the first steps of installation after...
Workbench Prefs will not work if installed with hstWB. **Examples of what doesn't work:** Turning on/off icon borders - they will always be ON Set MagicWB colors - does nothing...
Reference to AGS2 github issue: **Issue:** AGS2 will crash out unable to open the display on an NTSC system when started from Amiga Boot Selector as part of an...
If you're interested in a large selection of additional platform/category logos that you can use in your theme, I started a repo a little while back to store and update...
This is essentially a duplicate of this issue: However, that report doesn't mention the specific issue in the OP and was therefore unable to be properly tested/verified. **Issue:** AGS2...
### The problem If the password on any Reolink device, such as camera or NVR is changed through Reolink's own settings, the integration in Home assistant will not be able...
iOS has a native OpenHab App, so leaving aside philosophical arguments about what progressive web apps mean for the web and native platforms, is there any possibility that Habot functionality/access...