
Results 7 comments of limbo

autocommand maybe solve this ``` autocmd("BufEnter", { group = myAutoGroup, pattern = "*", callback = function() local max_filesize = 100 * 1024 -- 100 KB local ok, stats = pcall(loop.fs_stat,...

i'm now use for generate TOC, but it can't make TOC for document links, i think optionally make TOC for document links is good ideal, maybe it would be better...

那你得重新打包了,因为最新的我没下载和打包,你把 nvim解压的目录压缩就行,因为我配置所有的lsp哪些都是下载在 nvim目录之下的

> 我看2.0版本好像是有把clangd binary这些放进去了包里面? 那是好早打包的了,已经很久没打包了,打包太麻烦了🤣,这个库也有段时间没更新了,最新的配置可以看 这个库

sorry for the late reply, i get correct status bar color when using other themes, i guess it might be because of the different operating systems

haha .. many thanks, i plan to adapt this colorscheme to neovim, i have now moved from vscode to neovim

nice, so if i open a folder, it will ok