Results 14 issues of Josh B

I'd like to run bjoern in production, but my organization requires TLS behind load balancers/proxies. I attempted to wrap a socket I created before calling `bjoern.server_run`, but it looks like...

Starting scenario: clean studio with imported HAB_ORIGIN, HAB_BLDR_URL (for on-prem), and HAB_AUTH_TOKEN. Tested macOS+docker, linux+chroot ### 0.59.0: ```hab pkg install -b core/libsasl2/2.1.26/20180917145753 -u``` Download loops 5 times, debug logs...

Focus: CLI
Type: Bug

I know I'm not alone in Handlebars making me very sad. There are all sorts of gotchas and limitations (eg. scoping inside each/with, lack of useful functions, etc.). It would...

Type:Additional Discussion
Type: Feature

Repro: ``` docker run -it -v `pwd`:/go/src/ # in container cd /go/src/ apk add build-base git python3 python3-dev # Python 3.8.5 python3 -m ensurepip go mod download make gopy...

Currently there's not a great way to run Habitat CI with Jenkins inside containers (like in Kubernetes). It's not really possible to smash together the official JNLP agent docker image...

Focus:Add Plans
Focus:Core Plans
Type:Additional Help

I know the operator used to use Deployments and they were phased out with v1beta2, but the reality is that StatefulSets don't make sense for most stateless services. The primary...

The Habitat operator is great for running simple services, but for services with more advanced requirements, it can be rather limiting. Here are some features of Pods that the Habitat...

The Habitat Docker exporter supports exporting images with multiple packages installed. This is great for when you have multiple services that share a codebase like many Python or Ruby web...