[conflict with shape key.crash.txt](https://github.com/bnpr/Malt/files/7811894/conflict.with.shape.key.crash.txt) Here is the crash log. I can also reproduce the crash without autokeyframe.
Sorry for the late reply. I checked the crash by disabling my addon one by one. I found crashes happens when "wiggle bone" addon is enabled while the render engine...
This is not an urgent issue because wiggle bone is not widely used. I can just disable wiggle bone then MALT works fine
Realize instance works, but the number of triangles increases sharply. I found another work around by instance the whole collection instead of the object 
With previous Malt version, instancing collection is still a workaround. If I use the latest development version, it does not work   [Sample File.zip](https://github.com/bnpr/Malt/files/8779873/Sample.File.zip)
If I start a new blend file and append an object, it's fine. If I use the current bug file, delete everything, recursive clean data, then append, it crashes (File...
[Bug.zip](https://github.com/bnpr/Malt/files/10331587/Bug.zip) Finally, I figure out how to reproduce the bug 1. unzip 2. open Female1.blend (the folder hierarchy needs to be kept, otherwise the bug disappears) 3. append the "Append...
Got a way to bypass the bug. Uncheck "localize all" when appending.