Adam Hess

Results 20 comments of Adam Hess

@jeremy this change worked for us at GitHub with net-smtp version `0.2.1`. Thanks for finding this!

Are all of your models eager loaded? I also noticed that the config in the initializer works better for me than calling eager_load! directly.

@yahonda It seems most useful to me to have the default values match the format that you get when you select a record from the database. That is mostly because...

Thanks for opening that @yahonda! I agree that if `--skip-binary-as-hex` works on `show full fields`, we likely don't need this workaround in Rails.

Updated the tests. With this change all 3 adapters treat binary columns defaults the same way.

Thanks @yahonda I agree removing them is probably right. I spend a bit of time thinking about the, ``` t.binary :varbinary_col_trailing_trailing_null, null: false, limit: 64, default: "hi\u0000" ``` case, but...

Oh, well that is another wrinkle I didn't expect, in my test with MySQL 8.0.30 `SELECT`ing a `binary` column or `varbinary` returns the full value (including null bytes), however `SHOW...

Interestingly, mysqldump seems to have the values I expect. ``` mysqldump -u root -P 3307 -h -d activerecord_unittest default_binaries 18:58:29 -- MySQL dump 10.13 Distrib 8.0.30, for macos12.4 (x86_64)...

Ah, looks like mysqldump uses `show create table` if it is available, ``` show create table `default_binaries`; +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | default_binaries | CREATE TABLE...

Hey @njh, I seem to have a enclosure url for those feeds and the class seems to be `ITunesRSS` for me. ```ruby require 'httparty' require 'feedjira' xml = HTTParty.get("").body feed...