Hosted Power

Results 41 comments of Hosted Power

I agree, but it's better than 0 updates for really long periods. Current nb has bugs too, we can always revert to another nightly build if there are several available...

Wow that sounds fantastic, thanks a lot!! We run on the nigthly from here: And we use it with MySQL, so it would be great if the updated compile...

Perhaps any update on a nightly build? Or even better some new final release :)

Better approach than putty would be nice, we have sometimes over 400 sessions open, that means over 400 putty's :)

Would be great to support this, also the SSH ProxyJump should definitely be available :)

How do you mean exactly? Isn't it supposed to make it failover?

Hello Anazmy, Thanks for your feedback, however this is very unfortunate for our use case where we absolutely don't want to add extra users to all of our systems for...

I really appreciate your work and effort, but we don't like to depend on code patching. I think supporting this by some parameter would still be the most flexible option...

Thanks for your reply, but just trying to understand: if I use freeipa, wouldn't it create users and at least home folders for each user using aker on each system...

Hello Ramshield, Thanks a lot for the hint! :) We now put the whole idea on hold because it's not possible with Aker to provide root as default login with...