VINS-Fusion copied to clipboard
OutOfMemoryError on Jetson Orin Nano
When I ran use sample command:
roslaunch vins vins_rviz.launch
rosrun vins vins_node ~/catkin_ws/src/VINS-Fusion/config/euroc/euroc_stereo_imu_config.yaml
rosbag play MH_01_easy.bag
I got the following error message:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): OpenCV(4.5.4) /home/ubuntu/build_opencv/opencv/modules/core/src/alloc.cpp:73: error: (-4:Insufficient memory) Failed to allocate 369394115439360 bytes in function 'OutOfMemoryError'
Aborted (core dumped)
How can I to solve this problem? My Environment :
- Hardware:Jetson Orin Nano 8GB develop kit
- OS:Jetpack5.1.1
- installed opencv library:libopencv-viz4.2, python3-opencv/focal,now 4.2.0+dfsg-5 arm64
I confirm the same error on a Jetson Xavier NX nvidia-jetpack Version: 5.0.2-b231 ROS Noetic
The error message: OpenCV(4.5.4) /home/ubuntu/build_opencv/opencv/modules/core/src/alloc.cpp:73: is referencing an inexsistant path on the Jetson , I suspect it is a reference to cv-bridge within ROS
I tried different version of OpenCV and built the vision_opencv with no succes
Just a quick update, Removing refs to JETPACK in sources made it installing standard Opencv 4.2
commented (#) these lines
deb r35.4 main
deb r35.4 main
sudo apt update sudo apt install libopencv-dev All 4 .2 libs installed clean
VINS-Fusions build and works @ 15 FPS
I have the same problem in NX. Does it worked out?
I have the same problem in NX. Does it worked out?
Thank you for your reply. But I'm a little confused
Just a quick update, Removing refs to JETPACK in sources made it installing standard Opencv 4.2
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-l4t-apt-source.list commented (#) these lines deb r35.4 main deb r35.4 main
sudo apt update sudo apt install libopencv-dev All 4 .2 libs installed clean
VINS-Fusions build and works @ 15 FPS
Thank you for your reply. Please forgive my broken English. I'm a little confused about your Opencv version. The error in NX is about opencv4.5.4. But you removed opencv 4.2 and resolve the problem. And how did you remove opencv4.2? just "commented (#) these lines" as you said? Or you did like this sudo apt-get purge libopencv* sudo apt autoremove sudo apt-get update
This is a solve about clean opencv4.5.4 and 4.2. I run this .sh after install ROS. It can work for me. BTW it has a few problem between build opencv4.6.0, So you need to search the solution about it.
Yes, you need to purge package. Your apt sequence is good
If you check before purge, with apt list --installed, you will see a mix of 4.2 and 4.5 ; that is the root cause of the problem
After applying the update without JetPack, you can check if all installed packages are 4,2
This is a solve about clean opencv4.5.4 and 4.2. I run this .sh after install ROS. It can work for me. BTW it has a few problem between build opencv4.6.0, So you need to search the solution about it.
thank you for your advice. but I have installed the opencv4.5.3 with cuda. If I run this .sh, it will remove all the opencv package,right?
Yes, if you don't want to install opencv 4.6.0 you can modify that file. And install opencv4.5.3 after clean.
Yes, if you don't want to install opencv 4.6.0 you can modify that file. And install opencv4.5.3 after clean.
OK,I see. But I have other project need opencv, so it's a little risky to remove all opencv. I have tried to remove so .so by find /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu -type f -name "*4.5.4*" -exec rm {} \;
(my jetpack opencv is 4.5.4)
it seem work for me
I have faced similar issue recently on Jetson Orin. For me the issue was resolved after I built cv_bridge
and dependent ROS packages from source, with the same OpenCV version used for compiling VINS-Fusion.
Not sure if it helps or not but here is the solution:
The essential software environment is same as VINS-Fusion. Besides, it requires OpenCV cuda version.(Only test it on OpenCV 4.5.3 and 4.6.0 with CUDA/CUDNN), and it have to rebuild the cv_bridge after install the OpenCV4 so that the OutOfMemoryError will not happend. For opencv, add the path of the OpenCVConfig.cmake file and cv_bridgeConfig.cmake file to your following packages VINS-Fusion/camera_models/CMakeLists.txt (change Line 16), VINS-Fusion/loop_fusion/CMakeLists.txt (Line 19) and VINS-Fusion/vins_estimator/CMakeLists.txt (Line 9 and 19) by adding following lines right before find_package(OpenCV 4 REQUIRED) as:
set(OpenCV_DIR /home/mannan/Downloads/workspace/opencv-4.6.0/release) #/home/mannan/Downloads is where your OpenCV 4.6.0 sh file was placed. You need to modify it according to your computer name set(cv_bridge_DIR /opt/ros/noetic/share/cv_bridge/cmake) set(cv_bridge_DIR /home/mannan/Sysal-Autonomous-Drone/devel/share/cv_bridge/cmake)