VINS-Fusion copied to clipboard
数据集是:MH_02_easy.bag terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): OpenCV(4.5.5-dev) /home/jimlee/LHG/opencv/modules/core/src/matrix_wrap.cpp:423: error: (-215:Assertion failed) i < 0 in function 'size'
已放弃 (核心已转储)
i have the same problem ,do you solved it ?
你是不是之前的编译出现了警告?[ WARN] [1665062148.295888966]: fix extrinsic param 。我用了ulimit -s 102400扩充栈内存后就变成新问题了。
Facing the same problem. Any update on this?
你是不是之前的编译出现了警告?[ WARN] [1665062148.295888966]: fix extrinsic param 。我用了ulimit -s 102400扩充栈内存后就变成新问题了。
maybe is the contradictory of opencv4.5 and libopencv3. I build with opencv4.5,but VINS automaticly used libopencv3. You can change libopencv3 to libopencv4.5 or build VINS with opencv3.
Thank you for the response. Once I built it using opencv4, how can I make sure that it uses opencv4? Can you please help me with this.