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SuperPoint tensorrt test with tensor size mismatch error
I am learning swarm_loop
package. I try to use src/loop_tensorrt_test.cpp
to verify using superpoint trt to detect in my image. However I got the error of tensor size mismatch.
Problem generation:
- I have deployed and
- using
to generatesuperpoint_v1.wts
- I notice
at line 19-20 as following:
static const int INPUT_H = 120; // 208
static const int INPUT_W = 160; // 400
- then using the following command to generate
./supernet -s SuperPointPretrainedNetwork/superpoint_v1.wts
- My test code is as following:
#include "superpoint_tensorrt.h"
using namespace Swarm;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
return -1;
std::cout << "Load Model from " << argv[1] << std::endl;
std::string engine_path(argv[1]);
SuperPointTensorRT sp_trt(engine_path, "", "", 160, 120, 0.012, true); //origin code
// SuperPointTensorRT sp_trt(engine_path, "", "", 400, 208, 0.012, true);
std::cout << "Load Model success" << std::endl << " Loading image " << argv[2] << std::endl;
cv::Mat img = cv::imread(argv[2]);
cv::resize(img, img, cv::Size(160, 120));// origin code
// cv::resize(img, img, cv::Size(400, 208));// my change
std::vector<float> local_desc;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> kps;
cv::Mat img_gray;
cv::cvtColor(img, img_gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
TicToc tic;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
sp_trt.inference(img_gray, kps, local_desc);
double dt = tic.toc();
std::cout << "\nSuperpoint 100 takes" << dt << std::endl;
for(auto pt : kps) {
cv::circle(img, pt, 1, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), -1);
cv::resize(img, img, cv::Size(), 4, 4);
cv::imshow("Image", img);
- I run the following command to test
rosrun superglue_feature_track loop_tensorrt_test /home/wzy/vins_ws/src/super-glue-pretrained-network-cius/models/weights/supernet_160_120.engine /home/wzy/vins_ws/src/super-glue-pretrained-network-cius/assets/room/lab1.png
- In order to get more info, I add cout in
to get the following terminal output
Load Model from /home/wzy/vins_ws/src/super-glue-pretrained-network-cius/models/weights/supernet_160_120.engine
Trying to init TRT engine of SuperPointTensorRT/home/wzy/vins_ws/src/super-glue-pretrained-network-cius/models/weights/supernet_160_120.engine
Loading TRT Engine...
Loading Complete!
TensorRT binding index 0 name data
TensorRT binding index 1 name semi
TensorRT binding index 2 name desc
Tensorsemi bind to 1 dim 65 15 20 0
Tensordesc bind to 2 dim 256 15 20 0
inputDims.nbDims: 3
inputDims.d[i]: 65
inputDims.d[i]: 15
inputDims.d[i]: 20
inputDims.nbDims: 3
inputDims.d[i]: 256
inputDims.d[i]: 15
inputDims.d[i]: 20
- it throw out error as
loop_tensorrt_test: /home/wzy/vins_ws/src/super-glue-pretrained-network-cius/src/tensorrt_generic.cpp:90: bool Swarm::TensorRTInferenceGeneric::verifyEngine(): Assertion
get3DTensorVolume4(m_Engine->getBindingDimensions(tensor.bindingIndex)) == tensor.volume && "Tensor volumes dont match between cfg and engine file \n"' failed`
I find semi
19500:19200 is not match, I find 19500 = 651520 and 19200 = 641520. I do not know how to fix this error. Hope some help!!
The error is mainly that the tensor size is not matched when supernet.engine
load and init.
When we multiply the three dims of semi
, we get 19500 = 65 * 15 * 20, I check 65 is specified by SuperPoint
officially. but the supernet.engine
load with tensor.volume
= 19200 (64 * 15 * 20)
I think the problem is whether 65 or 64 is right when I use supernet.engine
How can I fix this error?
much appreciation for any help !