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段错误 (对于映射对象的权限无效 [0x242ff4000])
[D2VINS] solve_count 4515 landmarks 150 odom Pose T [-2.104,+1.200,+0.756] YPR [+56.1,-1.2,+5.4] Vel 0.56 0.55 -0.07 td 1.0ms opti_time 16.8ms [D2Frontend::LoopCam] KF Count 916 loop_cam cost avg 13.1ms cur 12.9ms #4 Source "/home/hzbz/project/swarm_ws/D2SLAM/d2frontend/src/loop_detector.cpp", line 151, in processImageArray [0x7f719dcc9678] 148: printf("Compute loop connection %ld and %ld\n", image_array.frame_id, _old_fisheye_img.frame_id); 149: swarm_msgs::LoopEdge ret; 150: if (_old_fisheye_img.drone_id == self_id) { > 151: success = computeLoop(_old_fisheye_img, image_array, camera_index_old, camera_index, ret); 152: } else if (image_array.drone_id == self_id) { 153: success = computeLoop(image_array, _old_fisheye_img, camera_index, camera_index_old, ret); 154: } else { [D2VINS] force landmarks 0 to broadcast [LoopNet@1] broadcast image array: 1000915 lazy: 0 size 47016 need_send_features 1 #3 Source "/home/hzbz/project/swarm_ws/D2SLAM/d2frontend/src/loop_detector.cpp", line 602, in computeLoop [0x7f719dcc71a4] 599: } 600: 601: if (params->show) { > 602: drawMatched(frame_array_a, frame_array_b, main_dir_a, main_dir_b, success, inliers, DP_old_to_new, index2dirindex_a, index2dirindex_b); 603: } 604: 605: return success; [D2Frontend::LoopCam] KF Count 917 loop_cam cost avg 13.1ms cur 11.8ms #2 Source "/home/hzbz/project/swarm_ws/D2SLAM/d2frontend/src/loop_detector.cpp", line 638, in drawMatched [0x7f719dcc0319] 635: int new_dir_id = index2dirindex_a[i].first; 636: auto pt_old = frame_array_b.images[old_dir_id].landmarks[old_pt_id].pt2d; 637: auto pt_new = frame_array_a.images[new_dir_id].landmarks[new_pt_id].pt2d; > 638: if (_matched_imgs[old_dir_id].empty()) { 639: continue; 640: } 641: cv::Scalar color(rand() % 255, rand() % 255, rand() % 255); #1 Object "/usr/local/lib/libopencv_core.so.4.5.3", at 0x7f719e594303, in cv::Mat::empty() const #0 Object "/usr/local/lib/libopencv_core.so.4.5.3", at 0x7f719e5942cc, in cv::Mat::total() const 段错误 (对于映射对象的权限无效 [0x242ff4000]) SWARM_LOCAL 0 new loops, 0 total loops [D2PGO::solve@1] solve_count 24 mode single,0 total frames 257 loops 0 opti_time 0.8ms iters 1 initial cost 6.63e-28 final cost 6.63e-28