Results 4 issues of HJLYU0519

what is the meaning of span_range? Many thanks for kind help!

I made some changes to the Discriminator. And I want to add some extra pre-processing operations only to the input of Discriminator. What should I change? And I think there...

I want to realize the first normalization of smallNORB, but I could not get the value of mean and variance(std) in data/smallNORB.py 177 line: mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(image, [0, 1,...

I want to us drfi on Ubuntu. I downloaded your program, and typed 'make' after unzip the file. Then I received this following issue: /usr/bin/ld: //usr/local/lib/libopencv_core.a(opencl_core.cpp.o): undefined reference to symbol...