Just made comment on https://github.com/awalker89/openxlsx/issues/348#issuecomment-492382870 but probably should have placed my comment here as the issue is more recent. Sorry for duplication. I can report similar. When opening a workbook...
Comparing the styles.xml between the original .xlsx and the openxlsx modified version, there are at least some differences in stylesheets. It appears, at least in my instance, stylesheet references are...
when I remove ``` ``` and replace with ``` ``` zip it up and rename .xlsx, it opens no problem.
It appears openxlsx is not adding the offending tablestyle. I have MySQL for excel installed and am suspicious it is adding the style. Using repaired file as above: 1. open...
I can report similar. When opening a workbook with simple text entries, adding data to it, and previewing, I get the "We found a problem..." dialogue. Click yes to repair...
just updated to development after seeing the commit but still getting 'pre-main prep time:'
here is my work around: `tmp