HIRANO Satoshi, PhD
HIRANO Satoshi, PhD
Hi, I have just cloned the package and tried to run it on a dev server. I got the following error. It runs on the production server. I'm using Safari...
Buttons with previous-step shows the preloader and hang up. As another issue, I think the data-feedback function is not called on previous-step. Background: With 2.1.4 I used data-feedback for validation...
Hi, The vertex(handle) of circle is not on the circle near the north pole. I think CircleEditor.computeResizeLatLng() has some problem.
There is [a nice plugin](https://github.com/codelibs/elasticsearch-configsync) which syncs config files such as user dic among ES instances. Is it possible to add an automatic reloading feature when the user dic is...
Hi, As login requires transition to a login page where is apart from Aurelia, downloading the bundle occurs twice, before and after login. That was mentioned in #24 and seems...
I would appreciate anyone would make config-cordova.
There are so many web components (> 2000) in the following library. https://customelements.io/ I would be happy if someone adds config-bower so that we can use Aurelia with Polymer and...
Hi, I have updated Skeleton-Navigation-Polymer and [sent a PR](https://github.com/roguePanda/skeleton-navigation-polymer/pull/2). In the skeleton, page transition animation works for child-router.html but not for welcome.html, while animation works for both pages in the...
@roguePanda, thank you for the great plugin. Two-way binding does not work with Webpack. The following code acts like one-way binding. ``` ``` When we use Polymer with webpack, we...
In the following code readonly does not work. _editing_ is a boolean variable in a view model. ``` ``` The following code works well. input switches readonly and writable according...