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Python-based viewer for HDF5 on other file formats
By enabling opendap_model in the compass_viewer, I can build HDF-compass on Linux. So I can test the opendap plug-in at least from my development environment. In general, One can open...
I am working with 1D-data with the first column being "time". It would be great to get the possibility to plot several columns, let's say....temperature 1, temperature 2, temperature 3...
Dear @giumas @jreadey , can you please add new tags (& releases) to this GitHub repo? The last tag & release that is published is 0.6.0 and still has not...
I just want to D&D an HDF5 file onto the HDFCompass main window and magic things should happen...
This issue is to document the set of features/bug fixes for the next (v0.7) HDF Compass Release - [ ] Tree View for object hierarchy - #66 - [ ]...
Update Compass to re-use the same window when an object is selected, rather than creating a new top-level window. With the current approach I wind up with countless windows on...
It would be nice to have a Window's Installer and release msi binaries rather than .exe's. For one thing, I noticed on Window's the extraction that happens on startup is...
The manpage for hdfcompass produced by: ``` sphinx-build -N -b man docs build/man ``` has formatting warnings according to the Debian linting tool. It uses the output of the following...
Create Test Plan document that would outline manual testing process for release validation.
No data displayed and plot data crashed compass when viewing and ploting a compound data type file
1) File: ftp://ftp.hdfgroup.uiuc.edu/pub/outgoing/HDFCompass/kent-files/hdf5-handler-fake/compound_more_types.h5 2) Testing version: Windows version of the release candidate from S3 3) Issues about viewing the data: No data value is displayed. The table is empty. 4)...