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Hi, I just tested switching the same light on/off 2 times (so 4 actions) of which 2 do show up in the log, but do not show on the display...

I just tried tasmota again and I'm sad to report that the issues seems to be the esphome component It works fine with tasmota, but tasmota is somewhat slower.

I'll test this. Sorry for going a bit off topic, but is there an easy way to to back to esphome from tasmota via OTA? This works fine from esphome...

Tried that, doesn't work. Same error.

17:50:24.285 MQT: stat/nspanelbadk/RESULT = {"SetOption78":"ON"} Migrating is a bit of a pain in the but like this ;)

17:58:23.037 HTP: Firmware Upgrade 17:58:26.801 WIF: Checking connection... 17:58:31.690 UPP: Multicast disabled 17:58:31.979 CFG: Saved, Count 45, Bytes 4096 17:58:31.981 UPL: File nspanelbadk-factory (2).bin 17:58:32.017 UPP: Multicast (re)joined 17:58:39.313 HTP:...

Factory is the "modern format"

Hi, I've manually uploaded the esphome config which is very close to the actual example config: ``` substitutions: devicename: nspanelbadk friendly_devicename: NSPanel Badkamer panel_recv_topic: "tele/nspanelbadk/RESULT" panel_send_topic: "cmnd/nspanelbadk/CustomSend" esphome: name: $devicename...

I'm not sure I fully understand. I see the seconds on the display without any missing and I see them in the log. I also see the same in MQTT...

If I can try anything else, please let me know.