Enrico Stemmer
Enrico Stemmer
> Here is another point: the GUI highlights the selected app by changing the color of its border to red. Using the laptop outdoors, this is often barely visible. I...
Should be fixed?
I don't know any way to obtain the currently rendered output of a window under Hyprland/Wayland
I don't know anything about capturing windows under Wayland. I always thought that you need explicit confirmation by the user for each window to capture it. Of course, it would...
I will leave this issue open, in case anyone has any ideas on how to approach/implement this
The white background is caused by the white theme used by GTK4 (without libadwaita). You can change it using gnome-tweaks by setting the legacy-applications theme to, for example, Adwaita-dark. If...
as to why the icons are so small, they get scaled to the real size/7, and the frame around them has no special scaling so it adjust its size to...
I might add this in #62