Thanks for the answer, These were my commnads: mmseqs databases UniRef100 UniRef100 tmp mmseqs createtaxdb UniRef100 tmp But *_taxonomy file is a binary file with all requiered *.dmp files, is...
From mmseq2 help: An MMseqs2 database seqTaxDB is a sequence database augmented with taxonomic information and a mapping file from each database key to its taxon id. Such a database...
I installed it with conda, both mmseqs2 and metaeuk
my installed versions: MMseqs2 Version: 13.45111 metaeuk Version: 4.a0f584d
Given I have downloaded the Uniref100, can I use it? If a I run metaeuk databases UniRef100 UniRef100DB tmp it starts to dowload it again
Thank you, that worked. A final question, my assembly has 23000 contigs, however only 12000 have been tax annotated by the contigtotax command, that means that metauk can not assign...
The *_tax_per_contig.tsv has exactly 12413 contigs however the input metagenome had 23344
I will do it. Thanks
Sorry again, but I have another question, when running R with de gapfilled models with each predicted medium it is necesarry to supply a medium (arena_subs
Yes that is an option (the merging media), but if I use the predicted media...in that case what would be the best medium?