### Description Firebase authentication, AuthErrorCode.internalError section works even if the iOS password is entered incorrectly or incompletely. ```swift func loginFirebase(self: UIViewController,email:String,password:String, completion: @escaping (_ success: Int) -> Void) { let...
Payment is confirmed after making a purchase. While the purchased item should arrive in the onProductPurchased function, it arrives in the onPurchaseFailed function. PurchaseTOken vs. I have to make my...
let customArrowImage = UIImage(named: "arrow3535") I am trying to change the scrollable icon arrow in the middle with slideableImage.sliderCircle = SlidableImage.Factory.makeSliderCircle(sliderImage: customArrowImage), but the old right-left arrow still remains and...
The product cannot be consumed. After purchasing the product, I get the error "You already have this item"