I have seen this before. Not specifying the Height and Width request, in your ImageViews, (using URLs of uploaded pictures with 1000x1600 for example as source) that are contained in...
> Meaning the crashing stops? I've wondered if perhaps I can set or bind the height/width request to a calculated value so it is provided (but still fills the available...
Ok, few comments/questions here: 1. Why is MAUI framework checking BackgroundColor and Fill, with AND operand? 2. What exactly is overriding width/height with zeroes fixing? Lines aside, not specifying width/height...
> Same here. Works on iOS, fails on Android In my case, it works on Android, and fails on IOS.
Today I tested Gesture Detector Handlers on Android, and custom control extending ContentView. Everything worked (Pan, Pinch, Tap) except Swipe. Maui 7.0. This is important feature, not only for custom...
> Interestingly, if `Image.WidthRequest` is 500, then it crashes. If I change `WidthRequest` to 400 or lower, then it doesn't crash. Are you sure about this? I cannot say about...
@VladislavAntonyuk The issue is the first post. This is the stack overflow question, that lead to changes: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78389970/fatal-signal-6-sigabrt-maui-app-crash-in-release-android-net-8-using-forced And my comment contains logcat copy related to the crash, and how...
@cat0363 , @PureWeen I do not know, how do you see GitHub on your devices, but on my screen, I can clearly see who is the one commenting, and who...